Southern Nevada Pickleball
Pickleball Skills - Self Assessment

This assessment is merely a guide for understanding, not a classification or personal label of ability. It yields a snapshot of performance and identifies opportunities for improvement.  At the end, the total points collected based on your responses can be divided by the maximum obtainable to yield a suggested rating of your pickleball skills.

You must answer each of the 17 questions for the final score to be valid.  Read each of the responses to each question and select what is best for your current status. Your results remain confidential. Provide only one response per question.  At the end, press the submit button.  The result will be sent to the email provided.  You may take the assessment as many times as desired.

Choose 1

Choose 1

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Choose 1

Choose 1

Choose 1

Choose 1

Choose 1

Choose 1

Choose 1

Choose 1

Choose 1

Choose 1

Choose 1

Choose 1

Choose 1
Tally your points and enter results below.  You may need to clear the zero to add your points.
max: 17
max: 34
max: 51
max: 68
max: 85
Add the subtotals of your points earned and divide by 17.  This is your suggested rating.

If you are not a member of Southern Nevada Pickleball, consider joining.  Click on or scan the QR code to become a member.  We appreciate your interests.  Upon form submission, you will be redirected to the SNP website.  Thank you.